基本資料 | |
公司網址 | https://www.jandenul.com/ |
公司地址 | 105臺北市松山區敦化北路167號5樓 |
聯絡電話 | (02)87120616#318 |
傳真 |
公司簡介 | |
員工人數 | |
負責人 | |
成立時間 | 2020 |
資本額 | |
企業願景 | Jan De Nul Group shapes water and land. Through a creative and innovative approach, we achieve sustainable and successful results. With us, the client can rest assured. Today, but also tomorrow. |
營業 / 服務項目 | 楊德諾公司在台灣已有多年工程承攬歷史,曾得標台灣電力公司林口電廠港池浚挖工程、台塑集團麥寮工業港池浚挖工程、參與了台灣第一座(台電離岸風電一期)、第二座(海洋離岸風電)、及第三座(海能離岸風電)的建置工程等。是海事工程界中絞絞領先者,擁有船機數量50艘以上。 |
薪資福利 |
應徵窗口資料 | |
應徵方式 | Applications can be made via the JDN platform as provided below. https://careers.jandenul.com/jobs?keywords=taiwan&page= |
聯絡人 | Wendy Lin |
聯絡電話 | (02)87120616#318 |
wendy.lin@jandenul.com |
最新職缺 | |
職缺名稱 | 工作內容與應徵條件 |
Engineer 專案工程師 | As project engineer, you will -Coordinate works, suppliers, subcontractors, while maintaining operational control -Report on progress & completion of works -Procure necessary materials & services needed for the works -Engineer the work execution methodology, working closely together with colleagues |
Surveyor 測量工程師 | As surveyor, you will work with the survey manager for -Equipment & material sourcing -Assist with data retrieval/ processing/ charting/ administration When site work is required -Perform general survey works -Join site visits & witness survey works -Execute/ witness hydrographic/ topographic survey |
助理法務主管 | As junior contract manager, you will -Work closely with the lead contract manager -Prepare & assist in administering -Substantiation & cost calculation for claims & variations in relation with the main/ subcontracts -Assist in contractual support of daily tasks -Advise on local regulations & permits |